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What’s Provided

Services: Services


The partnership draws upon a wealth of experience both within the firm and also by utilising close ties with other specialist professionals with whom we have maintained long standing commitments. This makes it possible for us to offer a complete service covering all aspects of Building Services.

C&D embraces the latest technologies with the majority of documentation transferred electronically for speed and accuracy and to reduce the burden of administration. Our staff and specialist consultants are our most valuable resource and upon which our reputation is built. It is vital, therefore that those we employ are the most experienced, enthusiastic and motivated of people.

We offer consultancy on all types of building services - heating, ventilation, water services (including legionella), air-conditioning, electrics, fire-alarms, security, waste, lighting, lifts, 6 facet surveys and dilapidation surveys. We do offer many other surveys - we would be to discuss your requirements.

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A major part of C&D's design work is for projects where the work is carried out whist the tenants remain in occupation and we understand that close day-to-day client liaison is the key to successful design and project management.

Comprehensive design drawings and specifications are provided and tenders are organised to an agreed timetable. We will advise on tenders and check with the contractor to ensure they meet the design criteria and are aware of the restrictions in the building.

Projects are reviewed on completion to develop best practice.



Each project management assignment carried out by C&D Partnership will utilise a tailored version of PRINCE2 in order to ensure all client criteria is identified and adhered to, and all products comply with our quality standards.

Project Initiation Documentation and Product Descriptions are used on projects above a certain value to ensure correct interpretation of the project requirements to all parties. 

Contract Administration also forms part of the Project Manager’s duties, along with chairing and minuting of meetings, monitoring and reporting on progress and managing communication between client and contractor.

The following elements can also be incorporated into the role of the Project Manager;

  1. Planning Permission

  2. Building Control

  3. Funding Applications

  4. Risk Assessments

  5. Witnessing of Commissioning

  6. Commissioning Management

  7. Clerk of Works duties

  8. Financial Control (issuing of certificates and variations

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We have a computer aided design team that can produce drawings to the required level to enable small contract elements to be separately let. 

Each service can be layered on to the main drawing; so that separate drawings can be provided to each contractor as required, mechanical, electrical, ventilation, air-conditioning, sanitation, building works etc. 

Drawings can be printed, saved to CD or bound and emailed to the relevant parties.

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